Monday, May 9, 2011

Moms and dreams

A note on this mother's day.

I'm not sure if I've been sufficiently explicit about how tough this whole culinary school business is. It's difficult for me because I'm studying both cuisine and pastry, which means I have classes up to six days a week and sometimes 12-hours per day. As a point of reference, only about 25 of the almost 300 students currently at LCB Paris are doing this.

It's particularly difficult for me because when I finish class, instead of hanging out and relaxing at home or going for a drink with my classmates, I come home to take care of my son. I am blessed with the world's greatest 2-year-old. He's been sleeping through the night for a very long time, he's a good eater, he listens to us, and has a calm and collected temperament.

However, I'm exhausted. Any parent understands exactly what I'm talking about.

This entry is not about me complaining. After all, I have absolutely nothing to complain about. I'm realizing my dream and loving it. The purpose of this entry is to pose the question: What sacrifices are made when a mother pursues her dreams? I'm talking particularly about stay-at-home mothers (or fathers) who dedicate all their time and energy to raise their kids.

I've always been incredibly independent, and worked for a while before getting married and becoming a mom. And guess what? I wouldn't trade it for the world. However, I do like my alone time, my time to concentrate on myself and my own project. Granted, it involves standing up for hours on end in a hot kitchen, but it's still my own thing. 

The tough part is that I have to click back into mom gear as soon as I walk in the door. It's on full-blast, and I better be on my toes. I have such admiration for moms and dads who work outside the home and then come home at the end of the day to take care of their kids. Hats off, all of you out there. I collapsed yesterday when I had to clean the apartment, iron my uniform, study, and spend quality time with my son. It was the only day of the week that I had to do all of these things since I'm so busy the rest of the time, and it was tough. 

Despite my exhaustion, I appreciate that I'm doing something extraordinary - in the literal sense of the word. Something that is not ordinary, that makes my life even more special. I will forever remember this experience as one of the most difficult things I've ever done, but I can venture to guess, one of the most rewarding as well. I am convinced that it is this special because my son is with me, and he is growing and learning and thriving from this experience as well.

So, moms and dreams.  You can do both and the results will be extraordinary. All of the moms I know have wonderful qualities, but the ones I admire most are the ones that continue to dream and to make choices that will help them realize those dreams. You know what your dream is so go for it!
Sitting my the fountain with my best creation


  1. There is one little boy who will thank his Mom for her strength, her humour, her love ...and of course her cooking, specially her "poofed" soufflé. You are amazing, hang on and scream "help" when you need it....! love Isabelle et Olivier

  2. veri, congratulations, and u are absolutely right about everything, we are proud of u for following your dream without giving up your wonderful motherhood! you are such a great mother and although haven't tried your food I am sure a spectacular chef, so fuerza y animo mi vero, que felicidad cuando cumplas tu sueño. mil besos,
    la chiqui

  3. Vero,

    I could really relate to what you were writing. I just got back from a trip to Haiti for work, and although it was really hard to leave the girls, I really appreciated the experience. I think we'll be juggling for the rest of our lives, now that our hearts are in these little gems.

    Abrazos y felicidades!!
    Tonya xo

  4. Vero !! Me encanta tu blog y tus thought... oh y tu DREAM ! Me siento muy identificada, aunque tu tienes mucho más mérito !

    Besos mil and keep on dreaming !

    Mafer & Enzo

  5. Me encanta leer un post con el cual me siento tan identificada y a la vez me da tanto aliento y animos para seguir adelante. Ahi vamos Veronica, vamos llegando! Las mamas y los sueños. Un abrazo!
