Friday, December 2, 2011

Pizza and grilled cheese haven

I just returned from visiting my sister, her husband, and baby, in New Haven, Connecticut. My brother-in-law is studying at Yale, and I wanted to check out their stomping grounds. I also wanted to have a bite of famous New Haven pizza.

What I found will surprise you. The pizza was only ok, but the grilled cheese, served by the Cheese Truck by the side of the road on the Yale campus, is quite simply the best grilled cheese I've ever had.
the best grilled cheese sandwich with the yale campus as a backdrop
It's a mixture of provolone, swiss, comte, gruyere, gouda, and sharp cheddar on sourdough bread with cornichon pickles. Absolutely fantastic! You can get add-ons like arugula, applewood bacon, and roasted reds, but the simple cheese on bread is simply the greatest cheese sandwich I've ever had. Together with a to-die-for tomato soup, I was golden as the grilled bread I was feasting on.

Next time you're in New Haven, opt for the cheese truck at the curb. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to try to re-create this little sucker chez moi.

...and tomato soup

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